Mystery, not Mastery
Photo by Liz Birnbaum
“Do what intrigues you, explore what interests you; think mystery, not mastery.” ― Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way
Here is something we found to be delightful, just because delight has felt like a rare gift lately.
Pictured: Kori from @ecotone.threads + @dawncreekfarm, shot for @fibershed_ many moons ago. These photos are from 2015. This image set had a new pull they’d not had before, and after using the editing style I’ve developed since then, I found new magic in them. Wishing you all a little magic this week. 🌈
Below: harvested indigo and shibori-dyed fabrics drying in the sun.
Photo by Liz Birnbaum
Photo by Liz Birnbaum