More than Lemonade
Photo by The Curated Feast
You can make so much more than lemonade with lemons.
The lemon suggests something difficult—a sour, displeasing, and difficult experience. But the common ‘lemons to lemonade’ proverb also suggests the essential nature of optimism and of faith in transformation.
I’ve been on my own journey of transformation these past couple months—I’ve shifted from a scarce state of mind in certain facets of my life to one of faith in opportunitIes, in the journey I’m on, and most importantly, in my own worth.
And today of course, I’m thinking about what and whom I love. I honestly love my current work, which is to support other businesses tell their stories (I’ll share more on this soon). I love my home, my sweet little garden, my neighbors, and my community—of which YOU are included! I love my partner, Kyle Jouras, and my family. And I love that I am learning to transform some of my previous fears into new and positive patterns in my mind.
So remember this today: you can also transform lemons into a gingery fizz, an oyster topping, a marmalade, a garnish, a curd, or a zest. I can’t help but be so hope-filled when I remember all the things you can do with a lemon. Don’t you agree?
Enjoy the beauty today, my friends. Love always, Liz.