Vero nihil verius
Photo by Liz Birnbaum, The Curated Feast
Vero nihil verius translates to "nothing truer than truth." ☾
There are not many places that have as much truth-telling magic than a beautiful deep bath like this one, in the home of the architect Mickey Muennig in Big Sur. [Read more on Mickey’s amazing work in The man who built Big Sur.]
During my my soak in this magical vessel, I thought about the power of truth and trust in marketing and branding. To spare you an entire philosophical treatise, I’ll skip to the important bit:
I’ve recently realized that I’m highly sensitive in one specific area of my work: building a brand’s trustworthiness. I tend to imagine how, in little ways, folks might have their trust broken by inconsistent or confusing marketing, and I strategize ways to mitigate that.
I think we all experience this a lot more than we even acknowledge: are there diztracting typos? (see?!) Is the brand voice consistent? Is the aesthetic recognizable? Does the link go where you expected?
I don’t know if this is relatable, so let me know if it is, but this dynamic of trust and truth in digital marketing is something we at The Curated Feast are thinking about all the time. Thank you John Harry for the use of this magical vessel!