Into the Matrix
Photo by The Curated Feasr
“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” - Morpheus to Neo
When life hands you synchronicities, I suggest you take them to heart. I actually make little notes in my phone about what’s coming up — it’s always a funny list, like “Lassie, Crockpots, the Goofy Movie.” Just noticing that these seemingly random things come up a few times in a row always makes me feel like I am in a state of flow. This week, what’s been coming up is The Matrix.
First it came up because of a friend’s story, then someone joked that my coat made me look like Trinity, then later that day, another person said they had seen Morpheus in their dreams... and finally I was watching Dr. Who last night and they referenced the term matrix (yep I’m a verified nerd). So I took these all as a hint, and I looked into the etymology of the word matrix, itself.
I was actually surprised by what I found: The word originated in the late 14th Century, and comes from the Middle English matris and the Latin mātrix, which are derivative of the word mother. “Matrix” actually refers very directly to a womb, and specifically the womb of a female animal used for breeding. These womb references reminded me of the pods so unforgettably portrayed in that first Matrix movie.
I feel like some captions could go on forever and become short stories. So yes Morpheus, I’ll take the red pill. Down the rabbit hole we go.
Photo from @happyacrefarm + shot for @tend_ag