Bath Time, with CBD
Photo © The Curated Feast
“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” – Alan Alda
If you need me, i'll be scrubbing my assumptions in this #cannabath (or CBD Bath, really), because 2020.
The twists and turns of this year — the disheartening layer upon layer — crisis upon crisis — lesson upon lesson. I tuned the deeper lessons out at first, but then I tuned in. I learned (and am still very much learning) to hit pause on an audiobook, and tune into the sounds and space around me. To revel in the majesty of a day. Of the feeling of sun on my face. Of the gifts I get to give, by sharing what I love: photography, strategic storytelling, and the craft of simply (or un-simply, as the case usually is) of making a thing work.
I’m especially rapt by anything ancient, mythical, and mystical, so I’m currently deep into the audiobook The Immortality Key by Brian C. Muraresku. I was recommended the book by a friend who’s an MD at Stanford, but was then wow-ed to learn that the book was featured on Joe Rogan and was gaining steam.
It’s got me dreaming about the Ancient Greek mysteries of Eleusis again, and the psychoactive drink Kykeon, which we focused 2 courses of the Curated Feasts on — Underground was the first, because we really imagined what the cave would be like, given that we were dining in an actual cave. And we also made a correlate beverage with Fruition Brewing and Dare Arowe at the last feast at: The Looking Glass.
So I’m soaking and pondering, 🛀🏾 and it feels appropriate for this vignette of the canna-bath, don’t you think?
What would you listen to, soaking in this tub?