Apple Pie and the Universe

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“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” – Carl Sagan

We had a big *aha* moment on @thecuratedfeast team when we realized we ALL understand this quote differently.

Perspective is everything. Our life histories, our family heritage, our educational imprints, our location on this planet, every aspect of our personal story shapes the way we see the world. Isn’t that what’s so incredible about storytelling?

So what’s apple pie have to do with the cosmos? Well, nothing — and also everything.

I shot this image 2 years ago for the @tenspeedpress book @fruittreesforeverygarden by the @ucsccasfs farmer/poet/fruit tree wizard Orin Martin 🧙🏻‍♂️ and @manjulatm.

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